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Coordination between endoderm progression and mouse gastruloid elongation controls endodermal morphotype choice 

Farag N, Sacharen C, Avni L, Nachman I (2024)

Developmental Cell. 2024 Jun 2:S1534-5807(24)00335-6. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.017

Challenges and opportunities in cell expansion for cultivated meat

M Hauser, A Zirman, R Rak, I Nachman (2024)

Frontiers in Nutrition 11:1315555 doi: 10.3389/fnut.2024.1315555

Batch correction of single-cell sequencing data via an autoencoder architecture

R Danino, I Nachman, R Sharan ‏ (2024)

Bioinformatics Advances 4 (1), vbad186 doi: 10.1093/bioadv/vbad186

Differentiation of Pluripotent Stem Cells to Skeletal Muscle for Cultivated Meat Applications
Hauser M, Nachman I, Savyon G (2024)
In “Technological and Scientific Foundations of Cellular Agriculture”, Edited by Fraser E, Kaplan D, Newman L, Yada R. Elsevier Books, pp 203-214

Gastruloid optimization

Avni L, Farag N, Ghosh B, Nachmann I (2023)

Emerg Top Life Sci. 2023 Dec 18;7(4):409-415. doi: 10.1042/ETLS20230096



Emergence and patterning dynamics of mouse definitive endoderm‏.

Pour M, Kumar AS, Farag N, Bolondi A, Kretzmer H, Walther M, Wittler L, Meissner A, Nachman I (2022)

iScience 25 (1), 103556

Innovative functional polymerization of pyrrole-N-propionic acid onto WS2 nanotubes using cerium-doped maghemite nanoparticles for photothermal therapy

Tzuriel Levin, Yakir Lampel, Gaya Savyon, Esthy Levy, Yifat Harel, Yuval Elias, Moshe Sinvani, Iftach Nachman, Jean-Paul Lellouche (2021)

Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-12

Sculpting with stem cells: how models of embryo development take shape

JV Veenvliet, PF Lenne, DA Turner, I Nachman, V Trivedi (2021)

Development 148 (24), dev192914

Building Blastocysts from Stem Cells. Preview

Pour M, Nachman I. (2019)

Stem Cell Reports. 2019 Sep 10;13(3):437-439. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2019.08.009.

Differential regulation of OCT4 targets facilitates reacquisition of pluripotency.

Thakurela, S.†, Sindhu, C.†,Yurkovsky, E.†, Smith, Z.D.†, Riemenschneider, Nachman, I.,  Meissner, A. (2019)Nature Communications, 2019 Sep 30;10(1):4444

Remodeling Membrane Binding by Mono-Ubiquitylation.

Tanner N, Kleifeld O, Nachman I, Prag G. (2019)Biomolecules. 2019 Jul 31;9(8). pii: E325. doi: 10.3390/biom9080325.

Tungsten Disulfide-Based Nanocomposites for Photothermal Therapy

Levin, T., Sade, H., Ben-Shabat Binyamini, R., Pour, M., Nachman, I., Lellouche, JP. (2019)

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Evolthon: a community endeavor to evolve lab evolution.

Kaminski Strauss, S.,  et. al.(2019)

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Prediction and control of symmetry breaking in embryoid bodies by environment and signal integration.

Sagy, N., Slovin, S., Allalouf, M., Pour, M., Savyon, G., Boxman, J., Nachman, I. (2019)

Development 2019 146: dev181917

Bifunctional Carbon-Dot-WS2 Nanorods for Photothermal Therapy and Cell Imaging.

Nandi S, Bhunia S, Zeiri L, Pour M, Nachman I, Reichmann D, Lellouche JP, Jelinek R. (2017)

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Integrated live imaging and molecular profiling of embryoid bodies reveals a synchronized progression of early differentiation.

Boxman, J.†, Sagy, N.†, Achanta, S., Vadigepalli, R., Nachman, I. (2016)

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Water-Transfer Slows Aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Cohen, A., Weindling, E., Rabinovich, E., Nachman, I., Fuchs, S., Chuartzman, S., Gal, L., Schuldiner, M., Bar-Nun, S. (2016)

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Control of relative timing and stoichiometry by a master regulator 

Y. Goldshmidt†, E. Yurkovsky†, A. Reif, R. Rosner, A. Akiva, Nachman I. (2015)

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Epigenetic predisposition to reprogramming fates in somatic cells

M. Pour†, I. Pilzer†, R. Rosner, ZD. Smith, A. Meissner, I. Nachman (2015)  

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Event timing at the single cell level

E. Yurkovsky, I. Nachman (2013).

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Expression of Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors in yeast under stress conditions reveals that HopX1 attenuates activation of the high osmolarity glycerol MAP kinase pathway.

D. Salomon†, E. Bosis†, D. Dar, I. Nachman, G. Sessa (2012)

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A microfluidic device for studying multiple distinct strains.

G. Aidelberg†, Y. Goldschmidt†, I. Nachman (2012).

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Aggregation of PolyQ Proteins Is Increased upon Yeast Aging and Affected by Sir2 and Hsf1: Novel Quantitative Biochemical and Microscopic Assays

A. Cohen, L. Ross, I. Nachman, S. Bar-Nun (2012).

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Dynamic single cell imaging of direct reprogramming reveals an early specifying event

Z. D. Smith†, I. Nachman†, A. Regev, A. Meissner (2010)

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BRNI: Modular Analysis of Transcriptional Regulatory Programs

I. Nachman, A, Regev (2009)

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HIV-1 Positive Feedback and Lytic Fate.

I. Nachman, S. Ramanathan (2008).

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Dissecting Timing Variability in Yeast Meiosis

I. Nachman, A, Regev, S. Ramanathan (2007).

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 “Ideal Parent” Structure Learning for Continuous Variables Bayesian Networks

G. Elidan, I. Nachman, N. Friedman (2007).

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 Inferring Quantitative Models of Regulatory Networks From Expression Data. Proc. 12’th International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB04);

I. Nachman, A, Regev, N. Friedman (2004).

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“Ideal Parent” Structure Learning for Continuous Variables Networks. Proc.

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Gaussian Process Networks. Proc.

N. Friedman , I. Nachman (2000).

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Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression Data

N. Friedman , M. Linial, I. Nachman, D. Pe’er (2000).

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Tissue Classification with Gene Expression Profiles

A. Ben-Dor, L. Bruhn, N. Friedman , I. Nachman, M. Schummer, Z. Yakhini (2000)

 J. Computational Biology 7 (3,4), 559 – 583.

Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression Data. Proc.

N. Friedman , M. Linial, I. Nachman, D. Pe’er (2000).

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Tissue Classification with Gene Expression Profiles. Proc.

A. Ben-Dor, L. Bruhn, N. Friedman , I. Nachman, M. Schummer, Z. Yakhini (2000).

The 4’th Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB00).

Learning Bayesian Network Structure from Massive Datasets: The Sparse Candidate Algorithm. Proc.

N. Friedman , I. Nachman, D. Pe’er (1999).

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